Monday, August 31, 2009

Now what?

This post is for you Dr KS!
In a phone call yesterday she said "well, you caught the lion. what now? are you going to blog about what's next?"

I guess we don't really know what is next. Unless everyone wants the weekly details of which pieces of paper have been moved and signed by whom, nothing really happens until we have a court date. According to my deeply scientific calculations gathered by intensive evenings of blog stalking, it appears that people receiving referrals in Aug/September didn't have court dates until late December. Hmmm. That would mean travel in early Jan and home mid Jan.

Again, very deeply scientific.

In the meantime, this is what is up: We painted and furnished our office and did some other random house repairs. When I say "we," I think you might know what I really mean. N returns to work (school) on Wed, and I have started some new tasks in my current job. In addition to anxiously awaiting our departure for Ethio, we are looking forward to Labor Day camping, fall canning, camping with kids from my work, running a half marathon, participating in a wedding, coaching the first ever cross country team for N's school and Canadian Thanksgiving (supremely better than "real" Thanksgiving because all of your friends can come over since it isn't an American holiday!

That's that.


Cassandra Britt said...

Boo hiss to the December court dates-let us hope that 2009 will begin a new trend...early courtdates once court reopens!!!

Rahel said...

oh, yes! i forgot that this invovles you as well! hmmmm we can hope for earlier than december, right?

MMG said...

Coaching now, too? Is there anything you can't do? Oh...I guess run a half marathon with a broken (not literally) foot. But I wouldn't put that past you either.

Let's have a canning weekend together after my comps and the half. I've already put up a bunch of tomatoes, strawberry-rhubarb preserves, and am doing balsamic peach preserves today/tomorrow.

I can show you how I make my super secret and delicious salted caramel sauce and maybe we can use the pressure canner to can a bunch of that for gifts. (It's seriously DELICIOUS)

Heidi said...

I agree with CB! Let's hope for better trends this year! There weren't many people waiting for court dates when they closed this year so I think it's a reasonable hope :) just my .02!

Rahel said...

Yes! Yes! Oh, yes! Please share your sweet caramel sauce recipe with me! I really want it. Do it. Give it to me. Now.

I am doing 14 quarts of tomatoes right now...kinda not in the mood, but it was time, so here I am!