Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lessons Learned

Just back from a three night trip to the Land of Enchantment visiting family! It was a lovely break and a nice rest from what has been a super busy and exhausting (but great) summer season. While visiting with my sister-in-law, three crazy-cute nephews and my super cutie niece, I sadly learned that I am totally addicted to coffee/caffeine and unable to function (ie: play endless games with the kids) unless I have it. I am so sorry to say that I made three trips to the 'Bucks for my fix. Sad. So sad. N would shame me if he found out. (Lucky for me the Addis phone network is pretty much a bust and we haven't talked much).

I also learned that running in a high altitude in the New Mexican sun is much harder than running in Chicago. This should have appeared obvious to me, but I ventured out several times anyway. (Public Announcement: I WILL run a half marathon in October. Stay tuned for how well I do/don't train for said race) I needed the exercise to justify the next lesson learned:

I really can't live without tortilla chips for more than a day. I even brought my favorite green bag version (a Chicago speciality) under the guise of "sharing with the family", but I think it was really more for my own outrageous consumption needs.

Finally, I learned that everyone should get a vacation. Since I had one, why should I be so sad that the guy in Addis who we are super dependent upon for a signature keeps taking leave when we need him most? Maybe that was the hardest lesson learned.

Summary: A little self reflection, a little exercise, a little junk food: Life is good; summer is grand!


Jen said...

so glad that you were able to enjoy your family. i think that parenting has taught me that coffee is a necessary vitamin:) sorry that the signature is allusive. still praying for you and Y and N.

Colleen and JF Bertrand said...

My sister has this great rule that her kids are not allowed to ask the adults to play with them before the adults have had 2 cups of coffee. The kids are so funny- they will always ask, "Aunt Colleen, are you on your first cup still??". It is BRILLIANT! I will be instituting that rule in our house as well. Also, when in Oct is your 1/2 marathon? I am doing one as well in Oct. My first! EEK!

Heidi said...

Hi, love your blog! I have tagged you in a game of blog tag. You can to to my blog to find out what that means...


Stacy Peterson said...

No, there is no shame in coffee... ( I keep telling myself that..), and what 1/2 marathon?

How about the Santa Barbara Half??

one + one said...

your nephews and niece are too cute!!!

rahel would not be my rahel without green-bag chips and coffee. glad to hear that they're here to stay!

Unknown said...

What half marathon are you planning on running this fall? Happy Training!