Guess what?
I have the greatest news eva, eva! My bff has F-I-N-A-L-L-Y let me "out" her on my blog! She's adopting from Ethiopia also! Yup! That's right! Our magical friendship began over eleven years ago when we met in our dorm. She, a beautiful worldy city girl to my Southern accent, overalls and conversations about band camp (I swear...this is what my college roomates remember of me from my freshman year). We share a common love for dirty martinis, farmers markets and lying around and doing nothing (because we both work hard and that's how we play hard). She has traveled to visit me/with me to Ethiopia not only once, but twice. And that last time...well, I'll let her tell you about it. Go on over to her blog and say hello!
You gals are gorgeous!
Happy adoption friend!
And.. love your new blog layout!!! Its fantastic!
R, You visited our little girl B. I just found your blog, again. I am so sorry about the news. I am hoping that you will get good news while N is in Ethiopia in July/August. We are currently delayed (thought we would have been traveling already). Int'l adotion is not for the weak or weary. I'll be thinking of you.
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